Frequently Asked Questions
Why do some fire fighters have yellow helmets, and some have black helmets?
The different color helmets are assigned according to rank. Please refer to the table below for color representation.

Fire Chief, and Assistant Fire Chief | White Helmet with white leather front. |
Captain, First Lieutenant, and Second Lieutenant | Black Helmet with white leather front. |
Engineer, and Assistant Engineer | Black Helmet with red leather front. |
Safety Officer | Black Helmet with orange leather front. |
Fire Fighters | Black Helmet with black leather front. |
Probationary Fire Fighter (These fire fighters are at least 19 years of age and are still in the first year learning process. Probationary Fire Fighters are restricted from entering a burning building.) | Black Helmet with yellow leather front. |
Junior Fire Fighter (These are fire fighters between 16 and 19 years old. Junior Fire Fighters are restricted from entering a burning building.) | Black Helmet with green leather front. |
Why are fire hydrants different color?
Fire Hydrant color represents the amount of water capable of being delivered by that hydrant. Red hydrants will supply less than 500 gallons per minute, orange hydrants will supply between 500 and 1000 gallons per minute and green hydrants will supply more than 1000 gallons per mintue.
Why are some fire trucks white and some are red?
Stroudsburg Fire Department has two fire companies under one roof. Chemical Company No. 1 has the white trucks, and Phoenix Company No. 2 has red trucks. Pheonix Company was founded in 1845 while the Chemical Company was founded in 1910. Originally the fire houses were in seperate buildings until the borough built the current fire house in 1936 and united the two companies under one roof.
Do fire fighters get paid by the call or by the hour?
Neither. Stroudsburg Fire Department is made up of all volunteers.
How do I join? What's the first step?
First step is to fill out an application. Best time to pick up an application is at 6:30 PM on Monday nights.